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proven marketing that
Brings In More Customers

Grab attention & drive sales by clearly communicating how you solve customers’ problems

Do You Have A Great Product or Service But Can’t Seem to Attract Customers?
Are you tired of wasting time and money on marketing that isn’t working?
Are your maketing messages drown out in this noisy world?
Are slow leads and sales stressing you out?

You may as well throw your marketing dollars to the wind for all the good it’s doing. But it doesn’t have to be like that!

The Business Success You Dream of is Within Reach
Break away from the competition

Position your business as the premiere option in your industry. Let competitors struggle to keep up with you for a change!

Make the world a better place

You can make a real difference with your business! Get attention and be proud your product is finally benefiting people like it should.

Be confident and in control

Our sales funnel strategy puts your marketing on auto-pilot, converting casual website visitors into buyers.

At Sparks Arts, we love helping business owners like you get their product or service to the people that need it.

You deserve a marketing strategy that works as hard as you do.

You want to grow your business but can’t seem to get any traction. The marketing you’ve tried hasn’t given you the results you want. I know how disappointing and frustrating it is to have a great product or service that for some reason isn’t selling!

Senior man smiling with young couple behind, in storeroom of restaurant
I can help you reach the success you deserve.

At Sparks Arts, we help businesses cut through the noise and grow.

Many have increased their leads, customers and revenue by 20%, 40%, even 100% after implementing these strategies. Wouldn’t that be nice?

smiling Asian woman and black man working in food truck

Our Simple Business Growth Plan

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Draft a Clear Brand Message

We shape easy-to-understand words that speak directly to the desires of your target customers. We show them how your product solves their vexing problems.

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Launch an Effective Website

Not just any website. We’ll build your custom-designed site optimized to attract your ideal customers and get them to act.

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Implement a Sales Funnel

Automated systems that attract qualified leads, build your credibility, and gradually onramp them to a purchase. Includes a lead generator and email campaign.

Act Now!

I can only take on a limited number of new clients at this time.

Trusted by Our Wonderful Clients For Many Years
Attract Customers & Enjoy the Success You Deserve

I know you want to be a successful business owner. In order to do that, you need a marketing strategy that really works.

But that’s not where you are now, is it?

You’re spending too much money on ineffective marketing, and it’s not getting the attention you deserve. You’re working hard yet still seem to fall behind. And that makes you feel overwhelmed and frustrated.

I believe your hard-earned money should work FOR you.

smiling coffee shop owner/barista behind counter

“Richard brought our website out of the dark ages and helped create messaging that works. I've been very pleased with his detailed approach, attentiveness, and knowledge.

Joseph Bean, President & Founder - Mow By Joe, Inc., Sidney, Maine
Joseph Bean, President & Founder - Mow By Joe, Inc., Sidney, Maine
Stop wasting time and money going nowhere! Grab attention and accelerate your business growth with our proven marketing framework.
Imagine how your business will grow once people really understand how you can help them!
two young painters standing by their van.

Top 4 Ways To Get Noticed & Close More Sales

We clarify your brand message & craft a marketing strategy that really works.

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1. Your Customer is the Hero, Not You

Most businesses make the mistake of only talking about themselves. But that won’t get the attention you need.

Instead talk about your customers – what they want and what’s keeping them from getting it. They are looking for someone that understands them and is competent to help.

problems with 3 question marks
2. Talk About Your Customers’ Problems

The only reason customers come to you is because they have a problem and hope you can help them solve it. When you talk about their problem, they pay attention.

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3. Communicate Clearly and Simply

Don’t make people work to understand you. (Hint: they won’t!) Use simple language to position your product as the solution to their problem.

Keep it short. Eliminate distractions.

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4. Tell People What To Do Next

You can’t assume people will know how to buy. You have to tell them in clear and direct language. And repeat your call-to-action over and over again.